Few weeks ago, I attend a local mobile festival event to learn the latest new technology in the mobile world. I’ve learned a lot. Collect lots resources to digest.
The most important thing I really learned is from the 3 Native India organizers. I joint their local meetup and have been following and watching their progress. What amazed me is that they came from nowhere as no body, and have become the 3 leaders in mobile development industry in the state. It really helps them build their credibility. In the startup and entrepreneur world, your reputation and public appearance is a key to ensure your startup will go smoothly.
So becoming a public speaker in a huge public event is the fastest way to achieve that. That’s something I need to practice. So recently, I start practicing my inspiration and motivational skills. Creating inspirational and motivational quotes is the first step. I need to start accumulating the material that I can use later on. It also will help me build confidence to stand up and talk.
I launched a new Quotes by Terence Chang site for just this purpose. Many quotes I created and shared on Google+ got lots people reshare and like. That is the perfect sign that I am doing it right. People do get inspired and agree what I said.
Here is the 3 easy steps to get start:
- Shoot more photos. You don’t need fancy DSLR. Just use your mobile phone. Pay attention on things that other don’t. For example, while everyone is watching the singer on the stage at the concert, you can look around and see what everyone is cheering. You will find something interesting.
- Write on your photo. Create inspirational and motivational quotes from the bottom of your heart by looking at the photo you took. A picture is equal to thousands words. Use any photo editing software to add the text on top of it. I use Adobe Photoshop, because I am a professional photographer. You can use FREE Online Photo Editor from AutoDesk as well.
- Create a collection and share it on Social Media – This is specially important. Without seeing it go viral, you don’t know if your quote will actually inspire someone. I use Microsoft’s FREE Docs.com and Sway.com to host my quote. It’s FREE and really easy to work with. You can visit my Collections of Quotes and see it to believe it.
If you actually read this far and decided to start you own collection of Quotes. Do let me know. Leave your comment of find me on Google+.