I have been long wanting to have a Chinese version of blog, where I can post and bitch about my life. I’ve thought about using Sina Weibo, but I can’t just simply give up the Ad Revenue. With Weebly supporting customer domain and allowing me to share Google AdSense revenue, I’ve decided to host a Chinese version of the blog on Weebly.
With more and more websites offering simple and beautiful website builders, there is no need to host on your own. I’ve thought about using Facebook Notes, Ello.co or medium.com for my blogging need, but I just simply can’t move forward to Ad Free content blogging.
So here you go. I will slowly update my Chinese blog and English blog.
I have not really blog for a while, since I’ve spent so much time on helping local business building their website and help them get ranked. SEO business is good, but it requires a lot of labor work. It’s also not easy to trust someone else to do your work. There is really no trick on doing SEO for local business. You need to comp up good quality content and get them shared and ranked.
While I am getting older, I really need to find a better business model that doesn’t require me to be in front of the company all day long. So blogging and traveling come back on top of my things to achieve list. I may not write really well in English, but I can definitely write well in Chinese.
I’ve also lost a lot for blogging friends and readers, since I pretty much let this website getting dust. It’s about time re-think about blogging strategy for my own goods. My goal is to blog in for main categories.
- Startup & Entrepreneurship
- Travel
- Photography
- Investment
And I will have Chinese blog for casual writing for my Chinese friends and family.
Ideally, I will have sub-folder for all 4 categories or branching out to other site with subdomain. The only risk is to lose the content, if those website builder out there close their business.
If you are reading this far, I consider you are my true reader. Do contact me and let me know what you are up to. I want to get to know you!